Making a List…

Posted on March 25, 2024 in Gentle Messages | Comments Off on Making a List…

“” Making a list and checking it twice…” doesn’t that phrase belong in Santa Claus is Coming to Town? But it’s spring here…why would these words have center stage now when they are best heard in December? What a topsy turvy time with thoughts and perceptions out of kilter. It’s as if you are straddling two (or more) realities trying to find your footing in the one that provides the better balance. So you think…Whether you are ready or not, it’s transition time for you and all of humanity. Lightening it up seems the way to go. Gloom, dooming and layering it with regret is no fun at all. Being the light, showing compassion and laughing absurdities off is such a kinder route to take. Yes, make your list and sprinkle it with fairy dust. Santa Claus won’t mind at all.”

To your Happiness,


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