A Broken Heart
“The Bee Gees’ poignant hit “How can You Mend a Broken Heart?” comes to mind. A husband has lost his wife and is shellshocked. Some say that with a broken heart comes the grace of that heart opening up to give and accept even more love. How long is the interval between brokenness and opening up? Do you know? Have you lived it? If so, you know it is possible to move from despair to hope. “Please help him (me) mend his (my) broken heart and let him (me) live again.” * To your Happiness, Kita * How Can You Mend a Broken Heart lyrics © DistroKid,...
read moreKeep It Fresh
“Spring has that about it – fresh, renewed with a vitality that warms and invigorates. Lest those of you who live in the southern hemisphere feel left out, banish the thought. Spring is a metaphor here but the concept of keeping it fresh applies to you no matter where you are. With restrictions lifted, there is the tendency to revert to “what was”. Your mind automatically defaults to things familiar as soon as it’s given the chance because that which is known also represents security. The last two years have shaken you up out of “what was” to...
read moreGenerosity in Disagreement
“Generosity of time, of spirit, of giving, of sharing, of space, generosity of kindness… all these acts of caring are wonderful. There’s ease, pleasure, and delight in such benevolent movement. But when it comes to times of strife, conflict, tension, challenge, the presence of generosity is hard to come by when it is most needed. As Robert Ohotto says, “It’s easy to be full of light at the Light Spa…” Though difficult, try to be generous when in disagreement with someone. You have no idea what your bridge of caring in that moment may actually...
read moreOne Simple Act
“Though conflicts persist, and the world is ever wringing its hands over the state of things, one key element in this uncertainty has made all the difference between last week and today. One small, simple act has cut through the chaos, and has singlehandedly claimed the spotlight without the need of money, influence, strategy or motif. Seeing smiles again is joyous: instantaneous communication that declares all is well in this present moment. It’s like snapping your fingers and creating a reality much better than the one you have been living...
read moreYou do not have to Go Far
“” What can I do to help?” you ask. Not enough money to travel to; your work limits your time; family commitments fill your mind and schedule; personal health issues already take energy; … It seems you have nothing to offer those less fortunate who are experiencing dire circumstances. Hold on…yes you do. Are you holding positive space where you are? Is an act of kindness of yours only worthwhile when performed thousands of miles away? Of course not. Get your bearings, and realize you are powerful and influential everywhere and anywhere you...
read morePersonal Awakenings
“You may be experiencing a cascade of happenings, coincidences, unexpected meetings and occurrences now that surprise, unnerve, delight and cause you to wonder, “What’s going on?” Allow for these small and big events to manifest as much as you can. Breathe into them and trust the Universe is unfolding according to Divine plan. That you are aware something is going on, is testament to the fact that you are waking up. You are more than you thought you were. And your timing is perfect.” To your Happiness, Kita...
read moreThe Many Like You
“The phrase “the many like you” can be interpreted two ways: the many are fond of you or the many who are similar to you. Both can be true at the same time. When you happen upon a group that resonates with you; where you feel comfortable and accepted, you identify commonalities, and you experience warmth within this new-found community. Is it not possible then, that in your openness, your expansiveness, your awakening, you can embrace all of humanity? Are you not part of the whole? And is not humanity a part of you? This is a thought beyond...
read moreChoice
“What to eat, what to wear, what to watch, what to write, what to say, what to wish, what to regret, what to forget; where to go, where to visit, where to be; who to think about, who to call, who to like, who to encourage, who to ignore, who to talk about, who to miss, who to keep company, who to follow, who to betray, who to hug, who to push away, who to convince, who to befriend, who to remember, who to celebrate, who to love, who to h***. Your choice.” To your Happiness, Kita
read moreWhat is Playing on your Stage?
“What is playing on the stage of your mind? Which show are you tuned into? Are the actors appealing or is one particularly irritating, distasteful to you? You must admit his delivery is compelling, and despite your feelings, you find yourself drawn into the drama of the situation. Maybe you can pull yourself loose from this allure and find another experience that calms your nerves, boosts your spirit – one that gives you a sense of hope instead of doom.” To your Happiness, Kita
read moreFairy Dust of Loving Kindness
“The sprinkling of fairy dust to wake up the princess, remove a spell, banish all that is not good, create a sparkle of happiness…who cannot forget the magic of this special invocation found in fairy tales the world over? Imagine if you could bestow a bit of magic wherever you go or on whomever you meet. Well, you can, beginning right now. Sprinkle some loving kindness on yourself and repeat, repeat, repeat into an ever-widening circle. Got a favourite colour? Have fun and leave a trail of pink, blue, orange, purple… Mother Earth will be so...
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