Let in the Light

“Curtains drawn? Blinds down? Under the blanket? Emerge, emerge, emerge… Light a candle if things seem too bright at first. Let your eyes get used to the brilliance of what awaits you when the grey days, the bleak streets, the grim faces, the dark forces disintegrate – disappear from humanly sight, and you are left standing, wandering and wondering what is coming to pass. Trust and believe that all is unfolding in Divine order even if shadows...

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Just Add Water

“A busy week or two not realizing that someone, something was in need. It’s not as if they were ignored or forgotten. “Good Mornings” were always said; a loving glance made its way across the room a few times during the day; compliments were paid and extending a “Good Night” when turning off the lights was a given. However, seeing a drooping limb as another day began was a shock to the system. How could this have happened? Was care and...

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Cold and Beautiful

“It’s frightfully cold today – a day convincing you to stay indoors because it’s desirable and recommended. But how can you stay inside when the sun shines so brilliantly, and the sky is clear, baby blue? It’s as if nature is teasing you. Come try me out and see how you feel. Then you can decide whether to join me or not. It’s the same with life. Something may seem hard and difficult convincing you that you can’t go through it, do it. So, you...

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Tipping Point To Happiness

Tipping Point To Happiness

Tipping Point to Happiness is a “how-to” handbook outlining the steps to take to be personally happy.  Once you take the time to retreat within yourself to explore what is within, this action tips you to a state of personal awareness.  What you do with this awareness is the key to being happy and is the essence of this book. Tipping Point to Happiness is conveniently short and allows you to move from chapter one through eight at an easy pace. ...

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