Pick up that Bottle

Posted on April 23, 2018 in Gentle Messages | Comments Off on Pick up that Bottle

“At first I was quite shy about it. I didn’t want anyone to see me doing it for fear of looking silly – especially if I was dressed in my business clothes.  I had started doing it when on my morning run: not many people around and not much chance of dirtying already sweaty attire. However, broad daylight would take a lot more courage until I could not ignore the obvious. The plastic bottle lying along the side of the street needed to be picked up, and I knew I had to be the one to do it. So began a habit of picking up plastic bottles and containers, discarded pop cans, Tim Horton’s coffee cups (big here in Canada), and wrappers of all sorts if the opportunity presented itself, and then tossing the culprits into the waste bin.  Yeah, it can feel silly at first, but Mother Earth will be so grateful to you.”

To your Happiness,


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