In the Heat of the Moment

Posted on August 5, 2024 in Gentle Messages | Comments Off on In the Heat of the Moment

“It must be the weather… the heat, not only sunny and very hot but also laden with high humidity, makes for some discomfort. The threat of severe thunderstorms confirms the heaviness of the day. Based on experience, you can generally anticipate a heavy downpour will bring relief: cooler temperatures, perhaps a lower humidex and maybe a little, refreshing wind into the mix. Transpose this description and you have a similar scenario playing itself out in human terms. “Hot under the collar” “boiling over” “red with rage” “like a volcano ready to explode”, a heated argument spills into thunderous accusations, hurtful words like lightening strikes where both assailants have nowhere to hide. Crescendo reached, one finally seeks cover in the basement while the other storms out the door. Will “cooler” heads prevail? Chances are, you know the outcome.”

To your Happiness,


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