Sure You’re Finished With It?

Sure You’re Finished With It?

I was going through my bookshelf and spotted “The Purpose Driven Life” by Rick Warren. Haven’t looked at it in years – but isn’t that the way?  Once you finish reading the book, watching the movie, painting the picture, you move on, right? Generally, once something is finished, it’s put away, thrown away maybe, given to someone else, even forgotten about – forever.  But in picking up and glancing through the pages of Rick’s book, I realized I...

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Your Best Teacher May Be Somebody You Don’t Like

Your Best Teacher May Be Somebody You Don’t Like

We’ve all come across people in our life that rub us the wrong way. The neighbor who’s irritated by the fact that your dog’s relieving itself on their lawn. The clerk who’s more interested in talking to her colleague than helping you with your store purchase. The couple who keep talking through the movie even though you’ve already turned around twice and given them a couple of dirty looks – although how they would see your face in a darkened...

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Shut Up & Listen

Shut Up & Listen

You’re on the phone with your girlfriend and she’s going on and on about last weekend. “She won’t even let me talk,” you say to yourself.  “Talk about a one-sided conversation…I might as well hang up.” Well don’t! Could be she’s on a rant but it could also mean that she needs to have someone listen to her “story”, and who better than a close friend who won’t judge or criticize her? We all have stories. Problems, unhappy situations,...

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Getting Rid Of The “Yuckies”

Getting Rid Of The “Yuckies”

I was straightening up the linen closet and found a baby blanket that my mom had given to me years ago. It’s a blanket that my twin brother and I had in London, UK where we were born. I teared up as I unfolded it, and let a few more tears fall as I thought of dad, who probably held Robert (everyone else calls him Bob) in it.  Funny, how emotions get stirred up by such simple, little things. Call me sentimental, yes I cry at movies too.  But...

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My “Four Weddings And A Funeral”

My “Four Weddings And A Funeral”

Sometimes life loads you up with a flurry of events so packed together and so important to you that you can barely stop for a breath lest you miss the “this is life” intensity of it all. This weekend I’m attending my daughter-in-law’s baby shower in the afternoon. It’s her first – a boy, and the family is over the moon about it. My son is incredibly happy, and I am bursting with pride and joy for them both. Later that same afternoon, I’m going...

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What I Do Today Is Important

What I Do Today Is Important

What are you doing with your life today? Such a loaded question… and courtesy of my reading Roy Williams’ “Monday Morning Memo”, where he aims that question at the reader. Well, I’m writing this and that’s something important I am doing today.  So I’ve covered one hour or so of 24.  Big deal, Kita.  However, what I don’t want this to be for you and me is some veiled threat about how we are such ungrateful creatures and are completely wasting...

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