Be Led

“Be led by the pathways, opportunities, and events that are opening up to you. Some you have planned, are aware of, and have hoped for; others are unexpected – complete surprises that catch you unaware. You may initially hesitate, wonder about, question the validity, even run away from what faces you. But, if you can trust, have faith, and courage, allow yourself to be led. It may feel like you are blindfolded as you tread along your path....

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Different Paths

“You’re visiting a friend, on holiday at a new destination or moving into another neighborhood. Each of these choices you have selected of your own accord (for the most part) – desiring the company, the adventure or the life change. However, once there: in their home, at the resort, in the community, you feel anticipation and excitement but also some uncertainty in how things will go. “Will you get along?” “Do they like the same foods you...

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Closing your Eyes

“Closing your eyes to what is around you; escaping perhaps but more so to enter into stillness, calm, sanctuary, the quiet within…Closing your eyes to seek relief, refreshment, renewal, reality as you “see” it; closing your eyes to sleep, to dream, to repose, to rest; your lids are heavy from fatigue, strain, conflict, tension, worry…so close your eyes and bathe them with your sweet, soothing waters – the internal tears that comfort and bring...

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Seeing Things Differently

“Seeing things differently can be interpreted as awakening to a new perspective or understanding a greater context or sharing another opinion. These represent a concept rather than something concrete. However, have you noticed that you are literally seeing things differently? Walking down the same street yet noticing a shaped driveway, the huge tree, a backyard swimming pool, cobblestone path, a garden shed, that you swear you haven’t seen...

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Navigating Icebergs of Conversation

“You’re ready for it this time. The topic, the phrase, the theme, the comment winds its way to you for response. Mindful of its dangers like the innocent tip of an iceberg that can be easily navigated, you answer confidently. Good – smooth waters so far as you ease yourself into the stream of conversation. Out of the blue, an emotional reaction assails you; you thought you had avoided the brunt of the iceberg but it’s facing you head on. Too...

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