Where to Find Uplifting News

Posted on January 18, 2021 in Gentle Messages | Comments Off on Where to Find Uplifting News

“At the risk of sounding weird or perhaps offending you, there is a spot to go to read of wonderful people who have contributed much in their lives, whose presence has been greatly valued by family and friends, and who will be cherished and remembered. Is it a heroic movie? A bestselling novel? An Instagram dedication? It is none of these. It is the Obituaries section of your community paper. Where else can you find such wonderful accolades as “doting Dad”, “fun-loving” brother, “trailblazing boss”, “compassionate listener”, “wise mentor”, “gifted artist”, “strong matriarch”, … The praises go on and on depending on how many exceptional people you want to read about and be inspired by. Each of them has left an indelible mark on their loved ones. I wonder what they would think to know (which they probably do) that they are leaving their loving imprint on a complete stranger as well. But then, we are all one, aren’t we?”

To your Happiness,


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