Make Time for your Green Friends

Posted on March 15, 2021 in Gentle Messages | Comments Off on Make Time for your Green Friends

“Acknowledging you’re not the only living creature on this planet, and more importantly that you’re certainly not the centre of the universe, can usher in a new-found humility in how you treat your fellow sentient beings. Pets have gained prominence among humans in how very well they are cared for. However, it’s time to turn attention to that stationary being in the corner, the one that gifts you with oxygen while removing your carbon dioxide residue. The plant – seen and not heard like a 19th century child – here to accessorize maybe even humour its owner only, is deserving of some tender, loving care beyond mandatory watering. A living, breathing eco system like you, that will flourish when nurtured and talked to like you, prepare to be surprised once you see your green creature respond to you when you extend a warm, sunny friendship its way.”

To your Happiness,


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