DocFred with Kita Szpak on The Happiness Road Tour: Choose Happy in Your Life!
DocFred with Kita Szpak on
The Happiness Road Tour: Choose Happy in Your Life!
You will learn:
1- What is the Happiness Road Tour and how did it come about?
2- Tell me about the debut event taking place in New York City this spring. What can people expect
3- How can people get involved?
4- Where can they go to find out more? Website:
5- And much, much more
Listen to the entire broadcast at:
The Amazing Women and Men of Power Network and Raven International presents this Friday’s– Amazing Men of Power & Music
This show will broadcast twice Friday, Jan 15, 2016, 10AM and again at 4PM Central.
You can also listen in: Friday, Jan 15, 2016 or any time by going to Visions of Success Talk Radio. All links below: (for Friday’s show on ITunes also, AWOP 24.7) or even today at