Knowing When

“There’s no mathematical formula or rehearsed steps, magic potion or digital logarithm, spelled out recipe or pre-existing law, just an inner nudge – a soft whisper that tells you it’s time to: call a friend, water the plants, head outside, take that route instead, pick up the tab, recall a memory, say a prayer, refuse the offer, accept the contract, change your mind, decide to leave, take the plunge, cut your hair, offer to stay. All in the...

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What if I Told You

“What if I told you that your genes do not determine your fate – that in fact your thoughts about who you are significantly influence how your body responds and manifests the reality you are creating within your thoughts. This concept is called epigenetics, the modification of gene expression as affected by the environment. Since you are creating your environment through your thinking process, you are modifying your genes as a consequence of...

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Tears in your Costume?

“All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players. They have their exits and their entrances; And one man in his time plays many parts.”  When I first read this famous line of Shakespeare’s, I likened it purely to the playwright’s world of theatre and stage. For a number of years, it served as a literal interpretation confined to the limitations of a high school English course. Only after life...

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You are Each Other’s Teacher

“Interesting who enters your life when they do for they make their entrance at exactly the time you are to teach them or they you. Perhaps it’s both and. Now you’re not standing in front of a blackboard or behind a podium instructing, you’re being you. Your thoughts, words, and actions, however the latter may manifest, are affecting the people you encounter. Likewise, you’ll be affected by the behavior of those around you whether minimally or...

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How You Discern

“How do you figure out what’s going on? Retreat into silence? Ask a lot of questions? Review every news feed? Get others’ opinions? Listen to CNN? Probably all come into play at one point or another. Distilling what’s going on and arriving at what is true for you is predicated on three elements: information, wisdom, and intuition. You synthesize information from external sources; you gain wisdom through personal experience, and you cultivate...

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Remember to Live

“The New Year brings with it the ideas of refreshing, resetting, renewing, reflecting, and within each there is a pull to improve yourself beyond what you now are. A plethora of courses, webinars, workshops, retreats, getaways, and teachable moments are flooding the airways, amplifying the feeling and need to learn, to study in order to progress…. Otherwise you risk what? Inadequacy? Failure? Weakness? Alas, our system has taught us a linear...

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