
“Some of you take yoga, taekwondo or another martial art   – wonderful for finding out all the ways, ins and outs that your body can or cannot move. With continued practice, the body adjusts, adapts and improves its range of motion, giving you a greater sense of power and freedom as you extend and twist that little bit more. Take this into life and the same applies. Adapt, modify and introduce a smattering of the unknown, the...

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Clearing the Clutter

“Making room takes energy. Whether you are clearing space in the closet or clearing space in your mind, both involve the same steps: the awareness that there is a need to make space in the first place; the decision to remove unwanted items from said space; to physically or figuratively remove them; to then assess what can be put into the now-empty area if anything; and to finally physically or mentally place new objects or thoughts into the...

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Time Shifting

“Was it last week or last month? Have you noticed that time is shifting as if you are floating or even losing your balance? Not quite tipsy in that sense of the word but not as centered as before? And what do you mean by “before”? Before the pandemic, during it or after it, if you can even qualify an end to what you’ve experienced in the last three years. It’s all so foggy, wishy-washy, indefinite, unclear, uncertain… Now is this deliberate?...

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This is so Encouraging

“” What is your goal?” “Have you found your purpose?” “Are you reaching your objectives?” “Still trying to figure out what your life is all about?” “Don’t know what to do yet?” “Are you living on purpose?” “What is your destiny?” These questions arise again and again befuddling, confusing, frustrating us and sometimes making us feel inadequate that we don’t know the answers. Guess what? You don’t have to know. You experiencing life is enough....

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Who is that Person?

“Who is that person whose name and face are all over the news and online? Social media has been sure to spread the stories augmented by pundits, critics and groupies. “Yes, it’s true. They say s/he’ll pay for it, go to court, had it coming, hid the evidence, is like all of them…” The frenzy builds until there’s no doubt guilt supersedes any other outcome. Who is that person? Do they like coffee or prefer tea? What’s their favorite color? What...

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He Ain’t Heavy…

“The song popped in my head today and though I intended to write about the word “nice”, the former would not let me be until I focused on this Hollies hit from 1969 instead. So here are the lyrics for your thoughtful reading. If you go beyond the reading to the feeling of the words, it may be that you will tear up as your soul says to you, “This is the way things are meant to be:” “… For I know He would not encumber me. He ain’t...

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