Here, There, Everywhere

“” Getting away from it all” does infer that this is a good thing: finding rest and comfort in knowing there are no deadlines, no meetings, no appointments to keep, no bosses or employees to satisfy, no self-imposed regime to stick to. The idea of abandoning all seems so freeing, so liberating, no wonder many are drawn to its appeal. However, if you are on a road of personal evolution and awakening, you’ll find that this kind of escape is nigh...

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The Mandela Effect

“Thought this might be time to mention this as it’s popped up. At the risk of mangling the description, its explanation is cited from Wiki: False memories can sometimes be shared by multiple people. This phenomenon was dubbed the “Mandela effect” by paranormal researcher Fiona Broome, who reported having vivid and detailed memories of news coverage of South African anti-apartheid leader Nelson...

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Taking on Another Life

“Caring for another at this time? Most of you will say, “Yes.” Whether a sick parent, a lonely sister, a challenged uncle, a depressed teenager, an angry co-worker, a heartsick friend, you’ve stepped up to support them at a vulnerable time in their life. How long you will help them out remains to be seen. For the most part, it’s not your choice but the unfolding of circumstances that encircle you both. Some will say, “You’re doing too much.”...

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Have You Lost your Mind?

“Confused about what day it is? Misplaced your keys again? Off on a tangent only to pull yourself back to the task at hand? Seeing shapes and colors in familiar surroundings that you’ve never noticed before? Unexpectedly pausing to take in a birdsong or a child smiling? Losing interest in doing the daily crossword puzzle that you’ve judiciously completed before? Reading food labels like a hawk and caring what you put in your body and by...

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Sorting It all Out

“Have you noticed when you sort your socks after pulling them out of the dryer that one or two are missing? You look everywhere for them – even though the trip from hamper to washing machine is a matter of steps – but their disappearing act is foolproof. Where can they be? The lone sock is left on its own and prudently put into a drawer for safe keeping until its partner is found  – if ever. Days, maybe weeks later, the truant sock...

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Every Journey is Different

“Your partner wants to go to Norway; you want to go to the Caribbean. You can’t understand why they wouldn’t want to soak up the sun on a white sandy beach. They can’t understand why you don’t want to explore some of the most beautiful fjords in the world. No one’s wrong here and that’s the point. Your perspective and preferences are uniquely your own, making you a “one and only”. For this reason, your take on life as well as your journey will...

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