Listen to the Rain

“Listen to the rain. Is it soft and gentle, whispering sweet nothings in your ear? Can you make out the wonderful words it is trying to say? “Don’t worry. Everything will be all right. We’ve got this.”  Perhaps it is a thunderous downpour of a zillion drops warning you, beseeching you: “Take care. Be careful with your heart. You know which decision to make.” Yet again, it may be an off- and- on tease of a rain shower playing coy with you…...

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Dizzying Changes

“Have you noticed your tastes are changing? What you used to absolutely love no longer draws you. Whether it’s steak frites, the funky bar or colour green (as was referenced a few Gentle Messages ago), the pull is gone. Even the emotion tied to said appealing item has disappeared like a mist upon the water. Is there a time warp where all these emotions are draining into, leaving you in a vacuum: full of new-found space for exploration and...

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Good at Asking Questions?

“Are you good at asking questions? Perhaps you’re too shy to stand up in front of a crowded room to ask the speaker about a comment that’s been made. Maybe you’re in a rush and want to leave the auditorium before the presentation is over. A persistent worry running through your mind keeps you from following the lecture. The constant squirming of the person in front of you annoys you to the point of cancelling any thought of asking anything. “My...

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Color Me…

“Notice how certain colors are attracting you while others that you used to like or wear or decorate your home with, no longer appeal to you. Is it age, designer influence, a friend’s persuasive powers to convert you that are causing you to change your palate? Colors like people, animals, and plants – all sentient beings for that matter – carry energetic signatures. Hence liking blue more than purple now, is not a whim but you within your...

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Say Hi to Mother Earth

“News about tsunamis, earthquakes, fires, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, erupting volcanoes, heat waves and the like certainly don’t give you much confidence in what Mother Earth is up to these days. From another point of view, all this negative flow gives you only one side of the picture. Brilliant autumn colours, magnificent sunsets, astonishing cloud formations, exquisite blooming flowers, every hue of green tree you can imagine, birdsong...

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Your Words

“This stupid knee will never heal.” “I can never get this right.” “My doctor appointments always run late. He’s never on time.” “Trust the government to get it wrong.” “I have a lousy sense of direction.” “She’s always in a bad mood.” “It never fails. I get every red light.” “You always act this way.” “Do you think money grows on trees?” “Life is sure hard.” … any of this sound like you? A gentle caution: what you think and especially every...

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