Allow, Allow, Allow

“It may be thought that the act of allowing is giving permission, acquiescing, permitting, saying “yes” passively, agreeing to circumstances, avoiding engagement, supporting a side…Certainly, your non-involvement gives the impression of agreeing with said situation or person, but nothing could be further from the truth. To rise above, to stay neutral, to be the observer rather than the judge demands an allowing of immense compassion rather than...

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What Time is It, Mr. Wolf?

Do you know the game, “What time is It, Mr. Wolf?” The person who is telling the time (the wolf) stands at one end and all the other participants stand and wait at a starting point. They ask the wolf “What time is it Mr. Wolf?” The wolf then says a time, for example, “It’s three o’clock.” Participants take three steps towards the wolf. The question is repeated with participants moving forward each time. When the wolf says, “It’s dinner time”,...

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Do You have a Choice?

“Do you have a choice where you live? In the realm of fires, floods, and earthquakes or in the tranquility of flowers, fields, and streams? In the proximity of anger, resentment, and frustration or in the room with calm, peace, and compassion? In the politics of conflicts, blame and persecution or in the community of cooperation, collaboration and sharing? In a state of fear, anxiety, and suspicion or within a heart of trust, peace, and love?...

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Grandiosity Not Required

“Is it mowing the lawn or raking the leaves that does it?  Is it doing the dishes or wrapping a present? Perhaps it’s watching a favorite movie or making a model airplane. Could it be folding the laundry or ironing the one “needs ironing” shirt? Maybe it’s picking out a birthday card or washing the car? Listening to the rain on the windowpane or staring at a crackling fire? Taking the dog for a walk? Or you go it alone?  Savoring that...

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“Think of the words that are similar to “community”. Come, commute, commune (both action and subject), communion, commentary, communal, committee, communication, commit…all are non-isolating by definition for they necessitate an engagement of more than one- even if that engagement is solely based on an extension of self as in “commit”.  Quoting John Donne, “No man is an island”, has never been as significant at now. You are being called to...

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It All Works Out

“Making, wanting, forcing something to happen in your favour – even hoping it will occur, takes a lot of energy. There’s the physical kind that has you literally running around arranging, manipulating, administering, controlling people and situations to have your way. Then there’s the emotional kind that stresses you out, has you worried, distracts you to no end to get to your desired goal. Just writing these heavy-duty and dense sentences is...

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