You are the Hope

“This cannot be. “That I have any power to help this planet let alone save it. I’m up to my neck trying to take care of myself. Working, paying bills, buying groceries, squeezing in some fun when I can neither afford it nor feel like it. And this cycle repeats itself – day in, day out – how can I save the planet when I’m pretty well exhausted getting through one day? You know, I’m just surviving and in need of someone, something to save me! You...

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Tightrope Walker or…

“Do you feel you’re on a tightrope? Ever vigilante and cautious with every step? Not looking down for fear of falling off the impossibly narrow strand of wire that holds you up? Are you numb – emotionless for any emotion might cause a tipping point to certain calamity? What a difficult path to walk! There is an option here. Did you not know that you can choose to leave the circus of drama, unbearable stress, and intrigue? Why, the village...

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Just Stop

“Oh, but I have to do the laundry. Then there’s the plants that need to be watered. Haven’t dusted for ages…got to clean out the sink. Monthly finances coming up – did I get last month’s done? Hall light needs replacing: add lightbulbs to my list. Do libraries charge fines these days? Got to return that book… where did I put it? Downstairs? It’s cold this morning. Time to dig out the gloves and hat… Forgot the glove has a hole in it – add...

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What is the Matter with You?

“When you are asked, “What’s the matter with you?”, it usually indicates something is wrong, out of place or unsettling for you. The question infers there is a heaviness about you; that you are carrying extra weight – a worry upon your shoulders. Taking this further, what is called “matter” is the visible, the tangible, the density of space. Could it be that taking “matters” into your own hands, is taking on extra density, heaviness into your...

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Teach the Children

“Do you consider yourself a good person? Someone who is kind, looks out for others, trusts that all will work out, tries to see the best in yourself and your neighbor, enjoys what life has to offer you – from the simplest to the extravagant? You are known to smile at a passing stranger. You have picked up garbage in the park, not worried that others may judge you. In fact, what other people think is not something you typically fret about. If...

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Digging Around

“Ever been so curious about something that you start digging around for clues, insights, details, information, inspiration, answers to unlock its mysteries? What seemed to be a task at the outset is no longer such, but a wonderful search filling your days and giving you purpose. It may be that you meet others on your inquiring path, who also share the same enthusiasm as you do in this adventurous enterprise. You had no idea when you started...

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