March 10, 2021

Kita talks to Jim about reinventing yourself during these extraordinary times. This goes beyond business big time… Find interviews with Small Business experts on the Small Business Advocate show

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Buying to be Saved

“In medieval and especially into Renaissance times, buying indulgences warded off an exit into hell.  A lengthy stay in purgatory before entering the pearly gates of heaven was assured.  The more indulgences you could buy, the better and faster your chances of getting a foothold into the sweet hereafter once you left this earth. How convenient and how rich it made the then religious peddle masters. “How could people be so taken?” you ask. Just...

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4 x i = M

inspiration + imagination = idea (+ ignition) = Manifestation To your Happiness, Kita

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“With earth in the throes of transition, you as its steward are in transition, too, whether you like it or not. Surrendering and allowing the Universe to unfold as it will, is the greatest act of compassion you can perform for yourself and others. In allowing, you cease to resist and struggle against that which is happening. You may wonder, “Why is this happening to me?” when in fact, you can turn around and say, “This is happening for me.”...

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Go Vertical

“A to B to C – nice and tidy, linear, chronological, logical, convergent, of the mind, systematic, ordered time and space, a beginning to an end, beautifully horizontal. These times are not horizontal. S to D to Z – confusing and scattered, three dimensional or more, illogical, divergent, of the soul, chaotic, quantum space, no beginning, no end, beautifully vertical. To understand and to adapt to the vertical, jump in, get messy and you’ll...

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