
“I value the word “cherish”. There’s a sanctity about it – maybe because it’s not used that often. It hasn’t lost that sense of reverence that a word like “love” has in its overuse and misuse. Cherish is the perfect way of saying “keep close to your heart not only those things which you care about most but also those things that are easily taken for granted.” Your feet taking you wherever you want to go. Your eyes reading this text. Your ears...

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April 7, 2021

Kita celebrates her 10th anniversary on Jim’s Show and aptly they talk about the importance of relationships – starting and maintaining a business one. Find interviews with Small Business experts on the Small Business Advocate show

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Whatever You Are…

“A quote by Abraham Lincoln seems apt to bring up today: “Whatever you are, be a good one.”  There’s no position, classification, gender, standard or category attribution to mull over, which gives this statement immense purity and simplicity. Nothing to strive for, wish for or yearn for – just to be WHO you are. What could be more beautiful and truthful than to know you are enough. YOU are enough.” To your Happiness,...

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It just Takes One

“However you do it whether directing, asking, dreaming it up, encouraging, laughing it along, keeping it behind your back, throwing it or two-handing it, offering it, showing  or hiding it at first, coaxing it, dressing it up or down, even displaying it naked, choosing between two of them, imagining one for another time, repeating if successful…it just takes one: One act of kindness to make a difference. Tell me you’ll find your way with...

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Make Time for your Green Friends

“Acknowledging you’re not the only living creature on this planet, and more importantly that you’re certainly not the centre of the universe, can usher in a new-found humility in how you treat your fellow sentient beings. Pets have gained prominence among humans in how very well they are cared for. However, it’s time to turn attention to that stationary being in the corner, the one that gifts you with oxygen while removing your carbon dioxide...

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