Humpty Dumpty had a Great Fall…

“”Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall. All the King’s horses and all the King’s men couldn’t put Humpty Dumpty together again.” This popped into my head as I sat down to write. It’s not a rhyme that I particularly liked as a child or repeated often but its image conveys two important thoughts for today: there is a loss and an end to things, and second, herculean efforts will not bring them back no matter how enduring...

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Your Protective Wall

“Your protective wall – that wall, that boundary serving you by keeping you in balance, is needed now. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that it is a way of escaping what is unpleasant. Others may tell you that’s what it is. Far from it. It is not a Pollyanna wall but a balanced boundary supporting you to see the whole picture. Look and see the cracks, the ugliness and despair that are around you. But also look at the newness, the beauty and...

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Remember your Inner Child

“Those of you taking care of others during these extraordinary times – and who of us isn’t, whether on professional frontlines or in personal circumstances, are relying primarily on your adult “go-to” to be that mature, capable and responsible nurturer. Taking charge, assuming responsibility, being accountable are all phrases bandied about for those who have reached the age of majority though some are tasked when still in their youth – bless...

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Set Out…

“However you do it… planning the night before; choosing what to wear; getting up sooner; eating or not depending on what you prefer; letting family and/or others know – but then this might be a private endeavour where ID is unnecessary; a final look at emails if this is your desire. Is everything in order? And if it isn’t, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that you set out. Near or far. Known or unknown. Promise yourself, you’ll take the steps...

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“Taking a hit, taking to the streets, taking cover, taking care, taking notes, taking care of business, taking one for the team, taking him to the cleaners, taking pity on them, taking risks, taking a fancy to her, taking it out on your partner, taking her out, taking a turn, taking a let, taking advantage, taking mercy on someone…” To your Happiness, Kita

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