Your Invisible Friend

“Did you have an invisible friend when you were a child? Someone or something to talk to, confide in and share experiences with? Perhaps many of you wish there were someone like that now who could comfort and guide you through these times. If you open up your imagination (and I would add your heart here, too), chances are there will be someone who has your back. A loved one, a spiritual being, an angel, a wonderful pet, the favourite tree, a...

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A Small Response can lead to a Big Change

“You may wonder what you as one person can do in the midst of much global conflict, chaos and upset. At times it’s so overwhelming that hiding from it all may be the best solution. “Let me return when the coast is clear,” you might be thinking. “How can I do anything to make a difference when so much needs attention?” Moving from the macro to the micro allows you to direct your resources in such a way that you can see the effect you are making....

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What is the King/Queen in You Like?

“Stepping into your sovereignty and being yourself without any propped-up shields against would-be violators takes immense courage. By the same token, claiming your kingdom also necessitates personal responsibility to yourself and others. Whether you are a sister, son, wife, partner, cousin, friend, uncle or grandma, you as king/queen shape your life through a scepter of benevolence, trust and compassion or you wield a sword of expectation,...

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The Sands of Time

“I equate sand with Lawrence of Arabia – a movie I saw as a young girl. I did not understand it, but I do remember the vastness of the desert landscape that stretched out across the screen. Limitless and ever moving, the swirling sand easily overwhelmed the diminutive actors. And so it is today as well, the sands of time stretch out over you – past, present and future. Will they overwhelm you or will you embrace them as a friend who is...

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Get in the Mud

“What’s your idea of getting in the mud? Dirty, messy, chaotic, liberating, childish, scary, unpredictable, fun, illogical, calculated, spontaneous, necessary, foolish, intentional, silly, serious, shaming, courageous…or maybe getting in the mud makes you think of nothing at all. Whatever your reaction, that’s all right. Regardless, for the lotus to grow, it needs the mud.” To your Happiness, Kita

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