Just Be

“There’s the pressure to perform, succeed, accomplish, demonstrate, and show how “good” you are whether at work or play. The notion of success is so tied to action that the idea of it in the same room with inaction is considered impossible. How unfortunate. Fulfillment, particularly personal fulfillment, is achievable by “being in the present” with no need to go anywhere. That state of rest – inner peace – needs no doing but simply accepting...

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Telling the Truth

“Don’t know if you have encountered this: You’re asked to assess a situation and provide your opinion, but you don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings in the process. In this case, telling it like it is, that is, telling the truth is providing information about a new instructor in an organization that regularly asks its clients for teacher feedback to maintain quality standards. What do you usually do?  Tell the truth? Give a euphemistic...

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When It is Convenient…

“When it is convenient, when you have enough money, can take the time off, feel physically strong enough, have no other personal issues, are open to trying something different, are not dissuaded by others, … Yes, when it is convenient and everything is in its proper place, then it will be easy for you to say, “I’m here to help you now.” But life is never convenient…” To your Happiness, Kita

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What You Do Not Know…

“The enormity of what you do not know is only realized when you step beyond yourself. Beyond personal experience, formal knowledge, collected facts, and thoughtful speculation lies the enormity of what is out there. This vastness is either feared, overwhelming to you, ignored, dutifully categorized or let loose in all its boundlessness. If you are courageous enough to let it loose, then the enormity of what you do not know is not threatening...

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Angel Card Readings & Healing Blessings

“I feel guided to more fully engage with you all. Many of you have been reading my messages for a while now, and I am grateful that they continue to support and encourage you. I would like to expand my outreach to you by offering one-on-one angel card readings and healing blessings (via Zoom). Since we are going through massive change and challenge, this is my way of stepping up and lending you personal guidance while you navigate these...

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