This was not Supposed to Happen

“An outdoor plant that typically thrives in the summer months and then finishes its high season, was brought indoors. Why not see what happens? This is what has transpired: Believe that all things are possible. To your Happiness, Kita

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A Restful Day Beckons…

“A space opens itself up revealing an absence of doing: no urgency whatsoever compels you to pick up, complete, schedule, contact, buy, start, continue, update, fix anything or anyone for that matter. This moment of being is so delicious. You feel yourself opening up to all and to nothing at all. Restrictions, limitations and “have-tos” have melted away leaving a silent freedom that you rarely hear. Drink in this freedom for it quenches you and...

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Looking After You

“Imagine having someone looking after you. Lovingly observing you from above, sending you heaps of love, kindness, comfort, and encouragement; letting you know that you’re never alone; that you’re thought about and cared about always. Is this possible? That someone is this constant in your life? Of course, this constant is you – your higher self – looking down upon you lovingly, ever looking after you. Of this there is no doubt. Ever.” To your...

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Win an Election/Save our World

“Caught this quotation in a business article, “You don’t win elections by insisting on smaller houses, smaller (or no) cars, no holidays that require air travel and buying second-hand clothes and mobile phones.” But if the latter is explored and implemented partially or better still completely, our world can perhaps be saved. Is this something you can help out with? Does it make sense to you? It does to me.” To your Happiness, Kita...

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Got Something in your Back Pocket?

“Perhaps it’s brand new like a pretty stone you’ve just picked up. Maybe it’s well worn having been massaged over the years but never revealed. Could be so comfortable sitting in your cozy spot that it doesn’t want to come out yet or at all. Then too, it feels it needs to be hidden for fear of scrutiny. Or it’s not like you at all at least not like the “you” everyone thinks they know. Whatever the reason, take the risk of pulling it out, and...

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