Be and Beam

“A challenge to just be and not just do at this time, a time which inevitably amps up the need to get things done during the holiday season. Inaction seems impossible where being is a state longed for but unattainable. Strive for it regardless for being allows you to beam – to encapsulate the “I am” – and lighten up yourself and others by your mere presence. “Beam” conjures up “Scotty, beam us up,” but it also evokes that shining light...

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“Piece of your Mind”

“There’s a tendency to want to give someone “a piece of your mind” especially when that someone is angering you, making you boil over because of their upsetting behaviour. Easy to do in these times when differences of opinion loom large everywhere you turn. Such an encounter generates imbalance. In fact, you are left agitated, needing the next few minutes to settle down and regain your centre. Instead of striking out, try locating “peace of...

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The Questions You Ask

“The questions you ask may never be answered. If thinking literally, this might bother you a lot. Such thinking wants answers in order to solve, to categorize, diffuse, calm down, convince yourself that everything is in order and will unfold the way it always has, giving you the security you desire. If thinking “out of the box”, unanswered questions will simply be that: answered. With no need to solve and expect a stabilizing familiarity, the...

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Feel the Signs Around You

“You bump into a neighbour you rarely see, and in the encounter there is an openness, a willingness to share which leaves you feeling a loving kindness as you both continue on your way. The song on the radio evokes a beautiful memory in you; your heart fills up with gratitude for the pleasure of having experienced this time in your life. A wok on order arrives at exactly the moment you need it to prepare the specialty dish for guests coming to...

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This was not Supposed to Happen

“An outdoor plant that typically thrives in the summer months and then finishes its high season, was brought indoors. Why not see what happens? This is what has transpired: Believe that all things are possible. To your Happiness, Kita

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