Fresh Eyes

“It might be taking another way home or ordering something else off the menu; perhaps walking out of the room instead of arguing again; braving the movie theatre on your own; signing up for lessons when you said you never would; making another stab at that unreadable book; not waiting for the phone to ring; listening to dad’s oft-told story without interrupting; observing, observing, observing before forming an opinion or not having an opinion...

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The Game of Choice

“Choice means there are options: at least two or more from which to choose. This also means there are differences: at least two or more which will result of the choices made. Choice is anything but absolute; black and white; right or wrong. Hence the idea that your choice is better than another’s or right-er than another’s is impossible. From a logical point of view, this may seem unfair but in the context of Truth, this is wonderfully fair....

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Mirror, Mirror on the Wall…

“Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all? Why, you and you and you, of course! You see and identify yourself as the person looking back at you. Your 3D eyes tell you so. But if those eyes move into a quantum realm, then you not only see the literal you but all the non-you elements that make up you: your parents, your ancestors, the soil of this earth, the light and particles emitted through space from universes and galaxies...

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Your Presence

“It is not what you do but who you are. “Remember when you were small, there were times when you had a fever. You were miserable, and then your mother came and put her hand on your forehead. You felt wonderful. She had not done anything yet, just put her hand on your forehead. And you feel the nectar of love, the nectar of compassion. You feel much better with the presence of your mother.” (Thich Nhat Hanh) Yes, this is a tribute to...

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A Broken Heart

“The Bee Gees’ poignant hit “How can You Mend a Broken Heart?” comes to mind. A husband has lost his wife and is shellshocked. Some say that with a broken heart comes the grace of that heart opening up to give and accept even more love. How long is the interval between brokenness and opening up? Do you know? Have you lived it? If so, you know it is possible to move from despair to hope. “Please help him (me) mend his (my) broken heart and let...

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