Sending Love and Light

“Taking a break at some point?  Stuck in traffic? Waiting in line? Got a few minutes before guests arrive? Daydreaming? Watching the kids in the backyard? It only takes a few moments to send love and light to any and all who are crossing your mind. Family, friends, the neighbour down the street, your dentist, a favourite restaurant, a troubled spot or a troubled soul in the world. It matters not to whom but that you send out love and light...

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Still Standing

“I take these words “still standing” from a teacher who has been going through a few life experiences that have come fast and furious within a small stretch of time. They have been pummeled, bent, and exhausted to the point of breaking but in their own words are “still standing”. They are unbowed in their acceptance of what life is, and therein lies their dignity and power. Are you going through challenges, too? Those that would crush you like...

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Fine-Tuning your Juggling

“If you watch a juggler as s/he throws and catches several balls at one time, you’ll notice the time taken to handle/touch one ball is seconds long – quick, light and balanced. Though there can be multiple balls, they each receive attention – sometimes more or less depending on the degree of a trick’s difficulty. If one’s left out, the completion of the maneuver is not possible. This analogy can be applied to your life. As long as your balls –...

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Twists and Turns

“The phrase “twists and turns” comes up as last minute changes arise: postponed performance, a cancelled appointment, a double booking, a suddenly sick friend, phone call from “a voice from the past”, “Oh, you don’t have to pay – this is free,” finding a familiar name in the obituaries, “I didn’t know you did that – how exciting,” a wedding invitation in the mail, a clear blue sky on a day with rain in the forecast, no milk on the shelves,...

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Kita’s Gentle Message: What does your Heart Look Like?

“What does your heart look like? Soft and pink like rose petals or gilded and strong like gold armor? Fresh like newly cut grass or seasoned like spicy curry? Fragrant and fully blooming like purple lilac or pungent like a spring-day farmer’s field? Towering over majestic mountains or exquisitely and delicately hidden in a baby’s sigh? Melodic like a babbling brook or thundering like a herd of mustangs? Does your heart look like any of these?...

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