What if You Knew

“What if you knew wherever you went, whatever you did, however you did it, there was something that always had your back? No matter how trivial or serious, no matter how time consuming or fleeting, mundane or exciting, you were supported? Well, rest assured this is the case. Your life here is not incidental, random or inconsequential but a significant existence on this planet beautifully timed and ordered. All 70 trillion cells of you are...

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“What to listen to: your sister, the radio, the podcast, the neighbour, a boyfriend, his mother, your son, the minister; where to listen: in the kitchen, at work, in the forest, by the beach, in the mall, in your car, sitting in the church pew; when to listen: first thing in the morning, after classes, during lunch, at sunset, daily, before sleeping, in bed, while exercising, how to listen: attentively, not at all, with regret, in discomfort,...

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“Thoughtfulness can descend upon you like a cloud – imperceptible at first then quietly enfolding you in its softness, its calmness, its peace. There are no jagged edges, discomforts, or distractions just a deep pool of introspection as you sink into the cloud’s billows. Thoughtfulness is a state of allowing; no force is involved. The lack of working at it brings a feeling of fulfillment, a spiritual completion where measurement is...

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Still You

“After all these years, experiences, challenges, changes, opportunities, twists of fate, routines, explorations, retreats, trips, dreams, modifications, adaptations, improvements, accolades, disappointments, regressions, discoveries, realizations, illusions, repetitions, awakenings, meditations, exposures, instructions, relationships, you arrive to yourself. How amazing! After all that, you are still essentially you: something your soul has...

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A Splinter of Yourself

“The famous quote from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet: “A rose by any other name would smell just as sweet”, risks losing its message of universal truth in these times of exacting identification and minute categorization. Whether defined in terms of species, gender, age, ethnicity, colour, profession, location, personality, values, orientation or a combination thereof, you become data-rich but soulfully-poor in the eyes of another. Like...

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