Sincerity is the Big Sister

“Sincerity is authenticity warmed by a loving heart. It needs no attention but is immediately noticed when in the room. No strutting, pontificating or posturing – simply being. If asked to speak, a soft wisdom permeates the words, and the listener calms down, reassured by its message. As silently as it made its entrance, sincerity slips away, only to reappear when called upon like an angel in the night. Yes, Sincerity is the big sister. “Of...

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Quis Es? Quo Vadis?

“The choices, the directions, the options, the views, the perspectives, the opinions, the stories are overwhelming – like an avalanche of narratives that can not only overwhelm you but swallow you up to the point of you losing You. Who are you? Where are you going? These are questions to ask yourself when deciding how to spend your time. You risk not only wasting time but wasting away the essence of You if the peripheral is becoming the...

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Making Sure

“” Now where is that piece of paper? Did it fly off the desk? Did I put it somewhere so it wouldn’t get lost? This should be easy.” Ever happen to you when you’re making sure an item is in its place and finding that it’s not there? You check again. Irritation, frustration even worry and panic set in especially if the missing item is of value to you. Missing glove, well, okay but important access info may be another story. Step back; take a deep...

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Regulating a Natural State

“With the categorization that is going on now – everything from defining yourself; to how and why you work; your moods; your shopping habits etched out on a graph; the “marketing” reason you live where you do;  the physical ailments you are likely to succumb to based on your age, gender and economic status, it’s not unexpected that at some point there would be an attempt to regulate or standardize your natural state, that is, the state in...

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“It’s always hard to move from one place to another. Think of the planning, arranging, packing, decluttering, notifying, cancelling that goes on when changing locations. Simply put, you are literally moving from the familiar to the unknown. This is called change and it is sometimes difficult and challenging. Yet you step into it because of circumstances that have arisen prompting you to move. Similarly, moving your focus from mind to heart is...

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