Comings and Goings

Posted on August 26, 2024 in Gentle Messages | Comments Off on Comings and Goings

“Friends visiting this weekend. Son leaving for college next weekend. Sister’s friend had a baby. Grandpa was buried a week ago. The sapling is growing nicely this summer. The grand oak – so beloved – was struck by lightning and had to be cut down. First camp for the six-year-old nephew; it will be the last canoe trip for Uncle Bob. The graduation ceremony was beautiful; Aunt Mary took her last rites in hospital as she wanted. You remember the gift of roses for your birthday, and now as they droop and brown, will you dry or compost them? Comings and goings in all forms, shapes, sizes, ages, and times – so natural yet always surprising, causing pause and making you wonder how are you spending your life between these comings and goings.”

To your Happiness,


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