Buying to be Saved

Posted on March 8, 2021 in Gentle Messages | Comments Off on Buying to be Saved

“In medieval and especially into Renaissance times, buying indulgences warded off an exit into hell.  A lengthy stay in purgatory before entering the pearly gates of heaven was assured.  The more indulgences you could buy, the better and faster your chances of getting a foothold into the sweet hereafter once you left this earth. How convenient and how rich it made the then religious peddle masters. “How could people be so taken?” you ask. Just turn around and look at the quick fixes there are today: Only this car will guarantee you undivided attention; only those sneakers will give you the popularity you crave; only these remarks will ingratiate you into the right crowd; only avoiding these people will give you a sense of superiority; only one more will give you an even bigger buzz. Quick fixes – today’s indulgences – figuratively and literally…”

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